
Environmental Policy

Quinta de Santa Bárbara Tourist Houses is committed to reducing the impact of its activity on the environment , setting an example and the means of disclosure, both to its customers and guests, good environmental practices.

We can help change the world, warning of the scarcity of natural resources and to save just use them rationally. We want to show that we can meet our/your needs and at the same time reducing environmental impact. To this end, the key points of our strategy to achieve what we propose are:
  • Offer our customers a complete and satisfying experience, identifying their needs and expectations in order to integrate them in our service offering, continuously assessing their satisfaction
  • Reduce waste through continuous evaluation of our operations and ensure that they derive the most efficient way
  • Promote rational use of resources Natural aiming at the reduction of waste production and recycling
  • Comply with all laws applicable to our unity
  • Monitor technological innovations to equip our equipment unit more efficient, always ensuring the quality of our service
  • Promote training activities to raise awareness among our employees about environmental issues and encourage their participation to improve the performance of the Hotel
  • Ensure the continuous improvement of our environmental management system in accordance with the evolution of used references
  • To ensure and foster internal communication between employees on all matters related to the activity of the Hotel
  • Identify and prevent risks to public health that our activity can represent to society, through the adoption of preventive mechanisms to ensure the safety of the tasks
  • Be a vehicle to promote good practices environmental with its customers and guests
  • To develop the social, actively participating in the community through food donations, clothing and equipment to charities

Our action

Quinta de Santa Bárbara Tourist Houses assumed responsibility and commitment to be an example of good conduct and good environmental practices. Thanks to our efforts, we received the following certificates:
EcoLíderes 2017 - TripAdvisor Miosotis Azores GreenKey

Adopt an environmental policy that reflects our will. We are ambitious since it represents investments in equipment and training but the end result is rewarding. Change attitudes by raising awareness of our employees, suppliers and customers takes time but we will achieve, we mean that we are persevering.
To learn more about us read some of the measures we have implemented and how it can help save the environment without give up their quality of life.


We installed selectively discharge systems in all cisterns of the bathrooms of the rooms and public areas of the Hotel . The change of towels is made by customer's request (if the client leave hanging towels, means it is still able to be used again). The change of bed linen in occupied rooms is made of 4 in 4 days. Just put the washing machine with a full load. The wash basin taps and showers have water saving. We control the daily quality of the pool water and proceeded to renewals water subsidiaries.
If you want to help us in these good practices, you may act as follows:
  • When using the bathroom assess the need for discharge the cistern
  • If your towel is clean, do not put the floor, hang it on the towel rail
  • Brush your teeth with the tap closed
  • If you find a faucet dripping let us know
  • Whenever possible replace the immersion bath for a quick shower, closing the tap while soaping


The electricity in the room is always off until the arrival of the guests. Our facilities are equipped entirely with energy-saving lamps (save 80% energy and last 8 times more). We installed sensor devices in the apartments that turn on when there is movement. We changed our computer equipment to low-power stations. Outdoor lighting is regulated by automatic watch. Do preventive maintenance to keep the regular cleaning of equipment (air conditioning filters, cold rooms engines).
If you want to help us in these good practices, you may act as follows:
  • Do not turn on lights you do not need
  • Do not leave connected equipment do not need
  • Close the window of the room where it has the air conditioning on
  • Avoid using the air conditioner
  • Turn off the television on the button instead of putting on "stand by"
  • If you find any equipment malfunctioning let us know


Our washing machines and sinks are fitted with automatic dispensers and specific programs for each type washing in order not to waste waters and detergents. We use only industrial products concentrated to reduce wastage of packaging materials and increase the effectiveness of use. The drums of detergent that are in use are placed in retention boxes in order to prevent accidental spills.
If you want to help us in these good practices, you may act as follows:
  • No place to wash clothes and towels not dirty
  • Do not touch cutlery and crockery you will not use


We separate our waste and placed them in the respective ecopoints (yellow, green, brown it's blue). We reuse the back of the paper for note cards and printing. We encourage "non-print" of the emails. Reuse damaged clothes for cleaning rags. End-of-life equipment (ink cartridges, fused bulbs, batteries, etc.) are returned to authorized collection companies. Used cooking oil, from our kitchen, are placed in containers and collected by a cooking oil recycling company.
If you want to help us in these good practices, you may act as follows:
  • Avoid producing waste
  • Separate waste properly (put recyclables in the bucket that is in the room and the remaining garbage in the bucket of the bathroom)
  • Do not throw trash on the ground
  • If you have dead batteries do not put in the trash, leave them on the bedroom desk and someone will be in charge to send to the accredited collection provider

Thanks to participate with us in improving the environment.

With you, we can do better!
10 Rated by Guests